Our optimized portfolios are built using a top-down approach that starts with big-picture analysis of macroeconomic variables, such as global central bank monetary policies, trends in capital flows, and inflation and growth dynamics. From this big-picture view, we model expected asset class returns and use this data to create an optimized asset allocation with a long-term view.
Our Dividend-Focused portfolio is a blend of large-cap U.S. stocks, preferred stocks, real estate investment trusts (REITs), and energy infrastructure companies. This strategy utilizes a bottom-up approach that focuses on companies with high or quickly growing dividends and free cash flow to support dividends, along with other metrics designed to identify quality companies.
The Defender portfolio is designed to mitigate a variety of risks while still providing upside potential. Reduced volatility can be achieved by combining assets that react differently to diverse economic conditions. The strategy consists of a blend of stocks, bonds, precious metals, commodities, and volatility hedging.
Intended as a companion to the Defender portfolio, the Aggressor portfolio is designed to provide long-only, unlevered exposure to equities in an aggressive, fully invested allocation. The strategy is anchored by core U.S. large cap exposure and supplemented with meaningful exposure to disruptive innovation and tactical opportunities. The Aggressor portfolio is a smart way to invest boldly.
*Disclosure: Christina Axtmann is a current client of Hightower Las Vegas.
We don’t have a fixed minimum investment level. That being said, our team puts a lot of work into creating customized wealth strategies for each of our clients. If asset levels are too low, our costs might not make sense for you. We typically work with clients with investable assets in excess of $1 million, but we also work with many younger investors with high incomes and aggressive savings goals.
Our cost is structured as a percentage of assets under management, charged on a monthly basis. The cost schedule is variable based on the level of assets and the scope of our work. We believe in full transparency. As a result, you clearly see what we are being paid for the value we provide. We do not receive any hidden fees or other forms of compensation. Finally, there are no lock-ups or penalties if you decide to go in a different direction.
The account opening process is handled by our skilled client service team who does all the heavy lifting. Onboarding occurs after we’ve gone through the financial planning process, mutually determined that we are a fit, and have agreed on your wealth strategy.
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Securities offered through Hightower Securities, LLC, Member FINRA/SIPC, Hightower Advisors, LLC is a SEC registered investment adviser. brokercheck.finra.org
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